Although the corporation is nowadays the most important institution and its power is big enough to influence and control most of the economic, political and social aspects that determine our society, its constant and fierce seek for profits causes the common violation and disregard of human health, human well being and environmental care.
Corporation´s role is constructive and positive in many aspects. In fact, there are a lot of economic benefits that we would not experience today if it were not for corporations, nevertheless, as a juridic person, corporations must limit their actions not only to the legal, but to the correct and responsible frame. When they don’t, individuals can react (which I consider is more a responsibility than just a right) and oppose to the corporation’s practices that harm their integrity and the integrity of the planet in which they live.
The mechanism that serves the individuals to react against violations is precisely based on their freedom of expression according to which the people can denounce and condemn what they think interferes with the conditions already explained. Said that, what impacts the most and what corporations are always trying to avoid is a bad image or reputation which will probably affect their economic development. Making public the issues found in corporation´s practices is the role of individuals that when are not part of a powerful groups cannot do better than alert those groups such as activists, political and legal figures so they can take corrective actions. I find it useless to take position against a corporation by not consuming what it offers if this position , its cause and above all, the solution that could solve the problem, is not communicated and thus, not taken as a social protest of unsatisfied people. In the same way, corporations that follow the correct practices and processes will find their reward in the consumers acceptation which will be also reflected in the penetration, sales and other variables that measure their success level.
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